NameGideon Hogg Crase231,6
Birth10 May 1880 or 1889, Kentucky231,235
Death23 Oct 1968, Kentucky231,235
Birthca 1892, Kentucky538,35
Death7 Apr 1913, Letcher Co., Kentucky538
Marriage1908, Letcher co., Kentucky235
Birth11 Jul 1880, Kentucky6,146
Death7 Nov 1966, Letcher Co., KY6,538
Marriage1913, Letcher co., Kentucky235
Marriage1930, Letcher co., Kentucky235
Notes for Gideon Hogg Crase
Bev says he was born 10 May 1889. (SV-403)
1900 KY Census ( A. J. Crase, born July 1847, living in Letcher Co. with wife, Nancy A., born Aug. 1850; 12 children, 10 living; with kids: Stephen M. (b. Oct 1880); Arminta (May 1884); Henry P. (Aug 1886); Gideon H. (May 1889); Louisa (Dec 1891) and granddau. Lillie (Feb 1895).
1910 Wise Co., VA: Aged 20, married 1 yr, living with wife, Lula (18). (SV-1432.10)
1920 KY census: Aged 30 living in Letcher Co. with wife, Nancy Ann (39); son, Tilden (5) and dau., Lillie (4 6/12). (SV-821 & SV-1066)
1950 Obit of brother Wm Riley Crace says he was living on Carr Creek. (SV-1031)